Sunday, April 15, 2012

Being Part of a Gang Makes You a Bad Person.

I chose to right my Fallacy or something many might be very opinionated about.  Do being a participant of a gang makes you a bad person?  When you think of gangs do you think of a bunch of young thugs, doing criminal activity?  Nothing positive can come out of a bunch of gang-bangers, all they do is stand on street corners or dark alleys waiting for their next criminal act.  They wear their colors and rob old ladies.  They do not have a care in the world, they shoot innocent bystanders.  They are drug dealers so why wouldn't they be labeled as bad people?  They ruin communities and put children in harms way.

The truth of the matter is everyone are responsible for their own actions.  Some people join gangs to build and grow with a sole called family or just having that feeling of closeness.  Feeling like someone is there for you or filling the void of loneliness.  There are many reasons why people do various things but that don't make them a bad person.  Maybe some people are looking to be a part of Growth and Development more than they are looking to be a Gangster Disciple.

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