Sunday, February 12, 2012

In Love with Love

I think a lot of people now a days are in love with love.  Not so much the person they are in a relationship with or the person that they are married to.  Its the image that has been portrayed to us all with the house, wife/husband, kids, dog name Marshmallow.  I really don't see many people putting in the work it takes to even learn about their significant other.  How can you love someone you don't know!  What wrong with taking time to learn about someone's likes and dislikes as well as sharing your own? What is the rush with having someone by side that you are not even comfortable with.  Are we really this lonely that we will be willing to accept anyone that makes you comfortable at the beginning of your friendship/relationship.  I am not bitter about love but I am not willing to settle for anything or have my kids attached to anyone that I do not know.  I'm just wondering is it love that is being chased or is it someone to travel down the journey of life with cause we don't want to be alone?


  1. I love your post. Being in my second marriage, and finally finding my soul mate, I see that having a life partner that you feel extremely connected with makes everything in life easier to deal with. The challenge about this is that people are not patient to wait for that person to come along or like you said, like the chase. I feel many people waist a lot of time with people they have no intentions of marrying just to not be alone, or they think they can change them. My favorite saying to my friends and family that are in these types of relationships is "just cut bait and move on" Life is too short. We need to tell ourselves: " I am a great catch, I have a lot to offer and I am not going to settle for anyone who doesn't truely see that"

  2. This is a very interesting blog that I read quite often because it is alot to think about...
