Sunday, February 19, 2012

"Face" life & "Book" a trip to reality...

Facebook (FB) is a social website that I feel is abused more than used for good but this is one man's opinion.  I have been ask by many friends that are now FB addicts, "Why you didn't accept me to be your friend on FB? Are we not friends?".  I thought if we were friends in the "Real World" that should be good enough. I don't have as much time as the average FB addict to check my page 60 plus times a day.  I don't have FB alerts that come to my phone, I might visit the site once a month.  I have more people wanting to be my friend on FB than I have friends on FB.

Its not that I am against FB but it tickles me how many people have so much time to spend on this social website.  When majority of the time, the people that are on the site are talking about tacos that they burnt.  My purpose for getting a profile was I wanted to see what all of the hype was about, in the process I got in contact with some old friends.  After finding out that they are doing good or telling me whatever they wanted to tell me, I moved on with life.  That was cool!

Looking at it from, Mark Zuckerberg point of view.  It is very beneficial for everyone, especially him.  Everyone in the world can have hundreds of friends and hide behind a page that shows the world what ever image that person choose to portray.  Also you have those who are so bored that FB is their reality so they are content with FB for the rest of their life.  For many businesses it is free advertisement and a easy way to go Global in a matter of minutes.

As we know I am not at a M. Zuckerberg status so I don't have the time to waste on burnt tacos.  I have to put more energy into my personal/professional growth.  I do check my page from time to time just for a laugh which usually turns into disgust because usually there is someone that has posted so many status updates that makes me wonder, "Where do they get all of this time, when I don't think there is not enough time in the day". So I end up getting off of FB and doing some homework but just because FB is not for me right now does not mean its not a Great Creation for the world.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

In Love with Love

I think a lot of people now a days are in love with love.  Not so much the person they are in a relationship with or the person that they are married to.  Its the image that has been portrayed to us all with the house, wife/husband, kids, dog name Marshmallow.  I really don't see many people putting in the work it takes to even learn about their significant other.  How can you love someone you don't know!  What wrong with taking time to learn about someone's likes and dislikes as well as sharing your own? What is the rush with having someone by side that you are not even comfortable with.  Are we really this lonely that we will be willing to accept anyone that makes you comfortable at the beginning of your friendship/relationship.  I am not bitter about love but I am not willing to settle for anything or have my kids attached to anyone that I do not know.  I'm just wondering is it love that is being chased or is it someone to travel down the journey of life with cause we don't want to be alone?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Whiskey & Cigarettes...

I am very proud to say I am the grandson of Delores "Dorothy" McDaniels! I say that cause I know I was a very difficult and uncontrollable teenager.  Living in a Big City gave me all type of opportunities, negative/positive but with me not having any male role models or father figures beside guys that were doing anything to make money.  It made it easy for me to add to the negativity in life.  I was afraid of nothing under the sun besides my grandmother but now that I think about it, I respect for my grandmother  more than feared her. It was the way she handled situations, the way she talked to me to let me know I was still a child and as a young man I had to be responsible for my actions.

It is still amazing to me how she was able to make me feel like such a special part in her life but also maintain a close knit family unit with her 13 children and so many other grand kids.  Dorothy didn't allow excuses to be an option.  She would explain a situation and help you understand the pros and cons of your actions.  My grandmother was a Gentle Giant, she was the type of person you would go to when you knew you were in the wrong but wanted to get the correct guidance.

When my grandmother pasted away, I didn't know how to accept that lost of life.  I was destroyed and didn't know how to control myself.  I went off the deep end and became very violent.  I felt betrayed and questioned why would my grandmother leave me in the Cold World alone.  She was the only adult supervision/guidance I was willing to accept.

Although Camel cigarettes with no filters and Jack Daniels whiskey is the smell I relate with my grandmother but I also relate those smells with strength and independence.

I will always have a missing piece of myself because my Grandmother is physically no longer around but I try everyday to keep her spirit alive.